The Core Elements of Recovery HQ


Recovery Headquarters is a place where anyone in recovery can come to be with like-minded people and belong to a community.


Come in and search for jobs, print a resume, research recovery methodologies, read recovery literature, find sober living, etc.


We host gatherings, meetings, game nights, parties, fundraisers, and coordinate volunteer opportunities to give back to our community.

A Commitment to
Community-based Recovery

At Recovery Headquarters, we understand that isolation and loneliness is a huge hurdle to clear when it comes to being successful in recovery. Our primary purpose is to provide a space where no one in recovery feels like they’re doing it alone.

Being amongst like-minded people who have the same goals, who encourage each other and lift each other up, that is the silver bullet when it comes to a successful recovery journey.

Our Mantra: We Rise by Lifting Others

At RHQ, we are working to create a community-centered support system and access to resources for anyone who is recovering from drug and/or alcohol abuse. Our founders have experienced the ups and downs of addiction, rehabilitation, sobriety, and recovery, and know that doing it alone is miserable. When you’re at Recovery Headquarters, you’re with people who get what you’re going through because they are going through it, too. Whether you need someone to talk to or just want to be around people who have what you want – a life in recovery filled with joy and gratitude, you are welcome to be one of us. Come to RHQ and we will help you in whatever way works for you.

Coming soon (we hope!)

we’re still raising the funds we need to
open our doors!

We need your help, whether it’s a monetary donation or a willingness to volunteer your time or services, so that we can move in to our Colorado Springs location and get to work.

We hope that this section will soon be filled up with the words of people who have found what they’ve been missing in their recovery journeys.

Our Gallery

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

We can’t wait to open our doors, begin welcoming all who are looking for a safe, welcoming, uplifting and supportive place to begin or continue their recovery journeys, and fill this section with images of what joy in recovery looks like!